

Your contribution funds even MORE learning!

How are Foundation grants benefiting Byrom Students?

Year Grant Use Program
2024-25 $4,400 Reading Support Specialist School Grant
2024-25 $1,400 TBD Art in the Burbs Grant
2023-24 $9,300 Reading Support School Grant
2023-24 $1,200 Sound System Replacement Art in the Burbs Grant
2022-23 $9,600 Reading Support Specialist School Grant
2022-23 $1,100 Art Literacy Supplies Art in the Burbs Grant
2021-22 $15,000 Math Intervention Support School Grant
2019-20 $1,240 Rhythm and Dance of Accra for school event Art in the Burbs Grant
2019-20 $9,200 Part-Time Teaching Positions – Pro-Social Skill Support School Grant
2018-19 $1,300 TBD Art in the Burbs Grant
2018-19 $6,000 Pro-Social Skill Support School Grant
2017-18 $1,380 Supplies for Ansel Adams Art Lit Project, Young
Audience Assembly
Art in the Burbs Grant
2017-18 $8,835 Teacher for Pro-Social Skills Support School Grant
2016-17 $1,200 Art Literacy Technology & Playground Mural Renewal Art in the Burbs Grant
2016-17 $8,500 2 Part-time Social Skills Teachers School Grant
2015-16 $1,000 Art Literacy, Curtains, Risers Art in the Burbs Grant
2015-16 $8,500 Computer Lab Teacher School Grant
2014-15 $1,000 Art Literacy & Ukuleles Art in the Burbs Grant
2014-15 $6,665 Part-time Technology Teacher School Grant
2013-14 $6,650 Web-based literacy program for approaching and advanced students. School Grant
2013-14 $1,000 Ukuleles for Music Department Art in the Burbs Grant
2012-13 $9,000 Instructional Aide for Accelerated Math School Grant
2012-13 $1,000 Art Literacy Art in the Burbs Grant
2011-12 $9,000 iPads; Instructional Aides during and after school; technology
instruction for kids w/ disabilities
School Grant
2011-12 $825 Art Literacy program supplies; “Raise the Curtain” project to
replace stage curtains
Art in the Burbs Grant
2010-11 $9,000 Instructional Assistant for reading and Extended Day Program School Grant
2010-11 $805 Art Literacy program supplies Art in the Burbs Grant
2009-10 Shared $100K Part of $100K effort to restore the elementary music program by
rehiring 5 music teachers
School Grant
2009-10 $650 Supplies for Art Literacy program–watercolors, paper, paint brushes
& art posters
Art in the Burbs Grant
2008-09 $6,500 Provided a reading specialist for instructional support for early
literacy skills for the lowest achieving 20% of the full day
kindergarten program
School Grant
2008-09 $550 Easel, drying rack, large color wheel, art concepts Art in the Burbs Grant
2007-08 $6,500 Continued funding an educator to deliver interventions for
struggling readers failing to meet state benchmarks
School Grant
2007-08 $550 Art supplies for 2nd grade water color unit Art in the Burbs Grant
2006-07 $6,500 Educator to deliver interventions for struggling readers failing to
meet state benchmarks
School Grant

Your contribution funds even MORE learning!