Deer Creek


Deer Creek Elementary student with mascot

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How are Foundation grants benefiting Deer Creek Elementary students?

Year Grant Use Program
2024-25 $4,400 Small Group Math Support School Grant
2024-25 $1,400 TBD Art in the Burbs Grant
2023-24 $9,300 Small Group Math Support School Grant
2023-24 $1,200 TBD Art in the Burbs Grant
2022-23 $9,600 Small Group Reading Intervention School Grant
2021-22 $15,000 Small Group Support School Grant
2020-21 $9,800 Mystery Science Software, Books for Students Flex Grant
2019-20 $1,240 Art Literacy supplies Art in the Burbs Grant
2019-20 $9,200 Part-Time Teaching Positions – Reading Support School Grant
2018-19 $1,300 Art Literacy supplies Art in the Burbs Grant
2018-19 $6,000 2nd grade math intervention School Grant
2017-18 $1,380 Art Literacy Supplies Art in the Burbs Grant
2017-18 $8,835 Teacher for 3rd Grade Math Intervention & Math
Software License
School Grant
2016-17 $1,200 Art Literacy Supplies Art in the Burbs Grant
2016-17 $8,500 Part-Time Teachers for After School Academic Support School Grant
2015-16 $1,000 Art Literacy Art in the Burbs Grant
2015-16 $8,500 Teacher for Academic Support School Grant
2014-15 $1,000 Art Literacy Art in the Burbs Grant
2014-15 $6,665 Reading Support (3&5) & Math Enrichment (200 students) School Grant
2013-14 $6,650 Partially funds licensed teacher for 1st grade “beyond readers” and
3rd grade “on grade level” readers.  Weekly afterschool
math enrichment class for highly capable, motivated students.
School Grant
2013-14 $1,000 Art Literacy Art in the Burbs Grant
2012-13 $9,000 4th grade teacher for reading instruction and innovative program
combining reading and iPad use
School Grant
2012-13 $1,000 Art Literacy Art in the Burbs Grant
2011-12 $9,000 Gold Club School Grant
2011-12 $825 Family Art Night and show Art in the Burbs Grant
2010-11 $9,000 After school math support for 4th and 5th grades; non-fiction
library books to support research projects
School Grant
2010-11 $805 All school multi-cultural arts assembly; funding for annual Family
Art Night and Show
Art in the Burbs Grant
2009-10 $500 Kindergartners conduct science experiments directly related to
stories they are reading in class
Innovative Teaching Grant
2009-10 Shared $100K Part of $100K effort to restore the elementary music program by
rehiring 5 music teachers
School Grant
2009-10 $650 Clay tools and supplies Art in the Burbs Grant
2008-09 $950 Program to help staff to work more effectively with Latino parents
by helping them learn how to negotiate the school system
Innovative Teaching Grant
2008-09 $6,500 Educators work in grades K-5 with students who need the most help in
reading and reduce the size of reading groups
School Grant
2008-09 $550 Clay-based project materials Art in the Burbs Grant
2007-08 $6,500 Educators continue to work with students needing extra help in
reading and math
School Grant
2007-08 $550 Support ceramics program and purchase microphones for school
Art in the Burbs Grant
2006-07 $6,500 Educators work with students needing extra help in reading and math School Grant

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