Middle School


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How are Foundation grants benefiting Fowler Students?

Year Grant Use Program
2024-25 $4,400 After School Homework Help School Grant
2024-25 $3,400 TBD Art in the Burbs Grant
2023-24 $9,300 After School Affinity Leaders School Grant
2023-24 $3,200 Video Camera for Drama Dept; Ceramics Glaze and Kiln Repair, Band and Choir field trip Art in the Burbs Grant
2022-23 $9,600 After School Affinity Groups School Grant
2022-23 $3,100 Ukuleles, Pottery Wheel Repair, New Spotlight Art in the Burbs Grant
2022-23 $10,000 Homework Help Homework Support Grant
2021-22 $15,000 After School Activity Support
After School Academy
School Grant
2021-22 $10,000 Homework Help Homework Support Grant
2019-20 $7,817 Design, Cut, Code, Create
Igniting Curiosity Technology
Oculus Go: Immersive Learning Environments
Innovative Teaching Grant
2019-20 $3,100 Euphonium instrument, choir field trip to HS choir festival, Viewing screen for Main Stage Art in the Burbs Grant
2019-20 $9,200 Part-Time Teaching Positions – Choir Instruction, Band Clinicians, Afterschool Program, Bi-Lingual IA for Afterschool Academic Support School Grant
2018-19 $3,400 New stage curtain Art in the Burbs Grant
2018-19 $6,000 Knitting Unit; Band Clinicians, Yoga Instruction, Choir Professional School Grant
2017-18 $3,800 Acoustical Shell for Choir & Band Art in the Burbs Grant
2017-18 $8,835 Teachers for After School Homework Help, Yoga Specialist for PE, Textile Specialist for Art, Band Clinician, Vocal Coach, Drama Coach School Grant
2016-17 $3,300 New Pottery Wheel, Stage Combat Workshop, Band Field Trip, Djembe Drum for Choir, iPad Stand for Art Staff Art in the Burbs Grant
2016-17 $8,500 Part-time Writing Teacher for Languge Arts & Social Studies; Percussion & Voice Teachers for Jazz Band & Choir; Part-Time Teachers for Homework & Math Help; All 8th Grade College Field Trip School Grant
2016-17 $1,244 Learning Spanish Through Interactive Technology Innovative Grant
2016-17 $2,000 Project R2-D2: Intergrating Sphero Robots in Language Arts & Social Studies Innovative Grant
2016-17 $1,305 Girl Power After School Academics Innovative Grant
2015-16 $2,750 Drama/Band/Choir/Photography equipment/Art supplies Art in the Burbs Grant
2015-16 $8,500 Yoga teacher, Camera for Ceramics, Teachers for After School Math
Support, Software & Microphone for Spanish Online Lessons, 8th Grade
College Field Trips, Chromebooks for Additional Language Arts
School Grant
2015-16 $2,325 Updated Kindles for Immersion Reading Innovative Teaching Grant
2014-15 $2,750 TBD – extended deadline 2/6/15 Art in the Burbs Grant
2014-15 $6,665 After School Math Support, 8th Gr College Visitations, Chrome Books
for Language Arts
School Grant
2013-14 $6,650 Chrome Books for Language Arts; Extensions Field Trips for TAG
School Grant
2013-14 $2,750 Choir accompanist; lighting and sound system upgrades Art in the Burbs Grant
2012-13 $9,000 Crazy Traits & Lights for 7th grade science; Jump Start for incoming
6th graders; Pedometers for PE; TAG enrichment field trips; First
generation college tour
School Grant
2012-13 $2,500 Piano accompanist for choir; clay supplies for Art Class; School
Beautification Project
Art in the Burbs Grant
2011-12 $655 Learning through GPS with Mr. Reines Innovative Teaching Grant
2011-12 $9,000 Kindles in the classroom; Lego lab supplies School Grant
2011-12 $1,000 Drama/Music School Assembly Art in the Burbs Grant
2010-11 $1,130 Implement SIOP teaching strategies that call on all of a student’s
senses to improve learning, which will then be used in student projects
that will be incorporated into a Boston Red Sox “Green Monster” wall
Innovative Teaching Grant
2010-11 $9,000 Additional days for “Homework Help” program; bus service to U of O
for field trip for students of color; computer training class for
Spanish-speaking students and parents; document camera and projector
School Grant
2010-11 $985 Funded annual One World Celebration and assembly Art in the Burbs Grant
2009-10 $3,500 Part time classified band assistant Operating Fund Grant
2009-10 $2,000 Students explore the world as they photograph scenes from their own
lives and then use those images to prompt verbal and written expression
Innovative Teaching Grant
2009-10 Shared $100K Hired additional math staff School Grant
2009-10 $800 Supplies for art and pottery classes Art in the Burbs Grant
2008-09 $6,500 Instructional Assistant continues to provide student support in the
band program; funds extended contract time for yearbook advising; funds
teacher advisor for the Diversity Club
School Grant
2008-09 $700 Band instruments Art in the Burbs Grant
2007-08 $3,200 Funds the Lego eLab sets so students can build and test realistic
models of alternative energy resources (windmills, water mills, etc.)
Innovative Teaching Grant
2007-08 $6,500 Instructional Assistant continues to provide student support in the
band program through smaller group sectionals
School Grant
2007-08 $700 Build a ramp for the stage and enhance lighting and sound system for
drama and arts productions; provide some funds to support current
production of “Wizard of Oz.”
Art in the Burbs Grant
2006-07 $6,500 Instructional Assistant to provide student support in the band
program through smaller group sectionals
School Grant

Your contribution funds even MORE learning!