Hazelbrook Middle School


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How are Foundation grants benefiting Hazelbrook students?

Year Grant Use Program
2024-25 $4,400 After School Homework Club School Grant
2024-25 $3,400 TBD Art in the Burbs Grant
2023-24 $9,300 Affinity Advisor Stipend School Grant
2023-24 $3,200 Drama Department Art in the Burbs Grant
2022-23 $9,600 Affinity & Club Advisors School Grant
2022-23 $3,100 Muralist Art in the Burbs Grant
2022-23 $10,000 After School Homework Club Homework Support Grant
2021-22 $15,000 Affinity Group Advisory School Grant
2020-21 $9,800 Connecting Students During CDL with 3 programs: Academic Support, Weekly Affinity Groups, Weekly Lunch Activities Flex Grant
2019-20 $1,499 S.T.E.M Program Resources Innovative Teaching Grant
2019-20 $3,100 3D pens, clinicians for small sections of orchestra Art in the Burbs Grant
2019-20 $9,200 Part-Time Teaching Positions – After School Homework Support; After School STEM Instruction, Afterschool Engineering Acadamies, No Place for Hate Student Leachership Team School Grant
2018-19 $3,400 Fused glass materials; music for band and orchestra music libraries Art in the Burbs Grant
2018-19 $6,000 After School Homework Support; After School STEM Instruction School Grant
2017-18 $3,800 Fused Glass Supplies, Music Storage Rack for Band, New Saxaphone, Oboe and Cellos Art in the Burbs Grant
2017-18 $8,835 Teachers for Homework Help & Engineering Academy/Makerspace Program School Grant
2016-17 $3,300 Fused Glass Supplies, New Music for Band/Jazz/Orchestra/Choir Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2016-17 $8,500 Part-time Teachers for Writing Support Center; TAG Field Trips School Grant
2016-17 $2,000 Full Rollin’ with STEM! Innovative Grant
2015-16 $2,750 Kiln supplies/Music stands Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2015-16 $8,500 TAG Field Trips
Part-Time Writing Teacher
Culture Club Afterschool
School Grant
2015-16 $520 Stability Balls for the Classroom Innovative Teaching Grant
2014-15 $2,750 Kiln supplies/Music stands/Drama dept. Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2014-15 $6,665 Part-time Writing Teacher, 40 iPads, TAG field trips School Grant
2013-14 $6,650 TAG Field Trips, Jazz Band & Extended-day support for math School Grant
2013-14 $2,750 Music stand rack; art supplies; audio/video equipment for stage; costume/make-up/script for musical Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2012-13 $9,000 Extended-day support for Pre-Algebra and Algebra; Lego Robotics kits; after school computer lab School Grant
2012-13 $2,500 Drama Dept. equipment; music stands; white board for art instruction Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2011-12 $2,000 Lego Robotics club Innovative Teaching Grant
2011-12 $9,000 Extended day support for math School Grant
2011-12 $1,000 Speaker system, music stands for music and drama Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2010-11 $9,000 After school Pre-Algebra and Algebra support; additional hours for after school computer lab School Grant
2010-11 $985 CD player for Choir & Orchestra; music stands Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2009-10 $3,500 Person to assist with special accommodations for state testing Operating Fund Grant
2009-10 Shared $100K Hired part-time staff for Orchestra program School Grant
2009-10 $800 Kiln repair Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2008-09 $500 Purchased a classroom seismometer for Earth Science students to monitor tectonic activity Innovative Teaching Grant
2008-09 $6,500 Provides a specialist to open the after-school computer lab for students four days a week and assist them with homework; provides a teacher for after-school tutoring in reading and math School Grant
2008-09 $700 Tracing table for art classes, more music stands, CD recorder/writer Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2007-08 $750 Classroom projectors Phonathon Incentive Award
2007-08 $2,200 Continue bilingual Instructional Assistant to work with ELL students in 6th grade language and math classes who are in need of additional support; staff  and equipment to run an after-school writing program for 7th grade School Grant
2007-08 $700 Began a three-year plan to replace band, orchestra and choir music stands Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2006-07 $6,500 Bilingual Instructional Assistant to work with ELL students in 6th grade language and math classes who are in need of additional support; staff  and equipment to run an after-school writing program for 7th grade School Grant

Your contribution funds even MORE learning!