Middle School


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How are Foundation grants benefiting Twality Students?

Year Grant Use Program
2024-25 $4,400 Think Thank Homework Help School Grant
2024-25 $3,400 TBD Art in the Burbs Grant
2023-24 $9,300 After School Activity Enrichment School Grant
2023-24 $3,200 Performing Arts instruments Art in the Burbs Grant
2022-23 $9,600 CommuniCares
Affinity Morning Meetings
Social Justice Club
School Grant
2022-23 $3,100 Performing Arts Equipment Art in the Burbs Grant
2022-23 $10,000 Twality Think Tank Homework Support Grant
2021-22 $8,562 Affinity Group After School Programming School Grant
2021-22 $10,000 Homework Help Homework Support Grant
2020-21 $9,800 Virtual After School Activities in CDL Flex Grant
2019-20 $6,163 Welcome Learning Space
Drumming up Support for Music
Innovative Teaching Grant
2019-20 $3,100 Artist in Residence for hula lessons for Pacific Islander Affinity Group, with performances to the school Art in the Burbs Grant
2019-20 $9,200 Equity Student Body Leadership Program School Grant
2018-19 $3,400 Supplies for art, sculpting and screen printing; portable display screens Art in the Burbs Grant
2018-19 $6,000 After School Academic support School Grant
2017-18 $3,800 Art & Ceramic Supplies, Eastman Model 95 Base for Orchestra Art in the Burbs Grant
2017-18 $8,835 Teachers for REFLEX Math Automaticity Program & Software License, Teachers for After School Academic Support School Grant
2016-17 $3,300 Instrument Repair & Replacement, Pottery Wheel & Supplies, Art Supplies Art in the Burbs Grant
2016-17 $8,500 2 Part-time Teachers for After School Academic Support; Building Math Fact Automaticity Software & Headphones School Grant
2016-17 $1,200 Story Corps Recording Studio Innovative Grant
2015-16 $2,750 Fine Arts supplies/Instrument repair & replacement Art in the Burbs Grant
2015-16 $8,500 Teacher for After School Academic Support
Glogster Subscription for LA and SS instruction
3D Printer & Materials
Family Engineering Night Supplies
School Grant
2015-16 $1,134 iPads & Projector for Art/Ceramic Lessons Innovative Teaching Grant
2014-15 $2,750 Fine Arts supplies/Instrument repair & replacement Art in the Burbs Grant
2014-15 $6,665 After School Academic Support, STEM Kit for Parent/Family
Engineering Night, Glogster Subscription for 7th Gr Language Arts &
Social Studies
School Grant
2013-14 $6,650 Instructional Aide for accademic support School Grant
2013-14 $2,750 Art supplies; instrument repair Art in the Burbs Grant
2012-13 $9,000 Instructional Aide to support math and reaching achievement School Grant
2012-13 $2,500 Art field trips to Portland Art Museum & OMSI; basket weaving kits,
acrylic paints and brushes; digital camera; mural project
Art in the Burbs Grant
2011-12 $9,000 Instructional Aides in reading, writing and math School Grant
2011-12 $1,000 Clay sculpture class; extreme arts field trip to Albany Art in the Burbs Grant
2010-11 $9,000 Instructional Assistants for reading, writing and math School Grant
2010-11 $985 Silk Painting unit supplies Art in the ‘Burbs Grant
2009-10 Shared $100K Part-time staff for Orchestra program School Grant
2009-10 $800 Watercolor and sulphite drawing paper for fine arts classes Art in the Burbs Grant
2008-09 $6,500 Fund an instructional specialist to provide one-on-one assistance to
academically challenged students in reading and writing
School Grant
2008-09 $700 fr. previous year Fine art paper for art classes Art in the Burbs Grant
2007-08 $3,500 Continue funding ELL Assistant to help students in core academic
areas; and Behavioral Support Specialist for lunch program
School Grant
2006-07 $1,500 Purchased “Sound Bites,” a web-based tool to help music students
determine if they are playing correctly when practicing instruments at
Innovative Teaching Grant
2006-07 $6,500 Funded ELL Assistant to help students in core academic areas; and
Behavioral Support Specialist for lunch citizenship program
School Grant

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